
Flyer Distribution in Preston, Melbourne

Flyers Direct is a leading industry name for letterbox distribution in Preston and Melbourne metro. This is primarily due to the effective methods of targeted postcodes adopted and our teams of well trained and reliable walkers from the Preston area. Flyer drops in Preston are cost effective and work extremely well especially to increase brand awareness and sales when flyer delivery in Preston is carried out on a frequent basis.

The Letterbox NOT the Inbox

Ask yourself these questions. Do you remember the last marketing email you opened? What about the last Facebook ad you read? Chances are, the answers are No. Do remember the last personal greeting card you received in the mail? Probably you Do. This immediately means that you can receive great results from Flyers Direct, flyer delivery in Preston.

Today we are constantly bombarded by paid ads and promotional junk emails in other words a saturated negative online experience. The one mailbox which is less crowded is the one at the end of your driveway or in your lobby. The marketing power of flyer distribution in Preston directly to the letterbox of your target audience, can’t be ignored.

Going old school to solve a new-age problem

The digital content space is getting more over crowded every day, therefore your business can now benefit from an offline strategy of flyer delivery in Preston. Flyers have a permanence which allows your target audience to engage in a different manner than they would through receiving digital content.

Achieving High Readership is the most important goal of a successful Letterbox campaign

The most important aspect of direct mail is the artwork. If the marketing results are poor it is usually the artwork and there is some science around what works. If you need any advice regarding design and content, our professionals are at hand to help you. The success of a campaign revolves around every aspect and one cannot rely only on good flyer drops in Preston for success.

“3-7-27” – the Secret to Sales Success

“3-7-27” is a direct marketing rule of thumb which suggests if you can get your message through flyer drops in Preston in front of a prospect three times, that person will be able to recall who you are. After seven times, they will remember you and your brand. After 27 times, that person will develop trust in you and your brand, which will ultimately lead to increased sales.

Flyers Direct will help you put together the best strategy for flyer distribution in Preston. Get in touch with us today for cost effective solutions.

Ideal Places to Place Flyers and Brochures for a New Business
Does Your Provider Guarantee Zero Dumping of Flyers

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